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Über 3CX
3CX ist eine Callcenter-Softwarelösung mit Remote-Funktion, die für jede Unternehmensgröße oder Branche geeignet ist.
Phenomenal integration with the client both on CTI and softphone modes. Out of the box adequate integrations with popoular3rd party software.
Sometimes it can crash and has the occasional bug which leads to frustrations in the call centre.
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VoIP Anlage mit Potenzial
Kommentare: Im großen und ganzen ist es eine solide Telefonanlage, welche hoffentlich noch lange weiterentwickelt wird. Potenzial hat sie.
Das moderne Design und die einfache Konfigurierbarkeit. Die Anlage lässt sich auch mit wenig Erfahrung gut verwalten.
Diverse Auswertungen fehlen. Andere sind wiederum überflüssig. Die Einbindung von Busylights ist leider nur über Umwege und sehr kompliziert realisierbar. Hier kann man sich an anderen Herstellern orientieren. Die Nutzung in Kombination mit einem Terminal-Server ist hin und wieder kompliziert und führt zu Problemen.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Daniel and thank you so much for reviewing 3CX! Thanks for your trust in 3CX. All feedback is welcome and we recommend sharing it with us in our Forum: https://www.3cx.com/community/
§CX ist einfach in Betrieb zu nehmen und leicht zu verwalten, dabei gibt es jede Menge Funktionen, wie in großen teuren Telefonanlagen
Der Support erfolgt ausschließlich per Forum, entsprechend muss man selbst wissen was man tut
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hi Michael! Thank you for your review. We're glad you find 3CX easy to operate and manage and appreciate its wide range of functions similar to larger systems. 3CX forum is a great place for advice and troubleshooting, but it's not the only way to get support. We also offer direct assistance through 3CX Support tickets and our global 3CX Partner base, especially for complex issues. If you need further help, please contact our Customer Service team, and they will provide the necessary guidance.
Kritische Partner werden einfach rausgeworfen
Kommentare: Sehr überhebliche Unternehmensstruktur und offensichtlich wird das System und die Produktpalette ohne wirklichen Plan vertrieben.
Grundsätzlich eine relativ modern wirkende Admin- und Weboberfläche.
Steuerung von Tischtelefonen teilweise und nach Updates nicht mehr richtig möglich. Es gibt zwar mittlerweile vier verschiedene PC-Apps, aber keine bietet alle Funktionen! DECT-Telefone sind relativ unpraktisch nutzbar, viel feine Anpassung für angeblich kompatible Endgeräte nötig. Softwarefunktionen und Sprachansagen wirken teilweise nicht bis zu Ende gedacht.Als wir und mehrfach kritisch geäußert haben, gab es einen seltsamen Anruf von 3CX aus Hannover und es wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass wir ab sofort 3CX Partner mehr sind. Auf die genauen Gründe wurde sachlich nicht eingegangen. Das vorgehen finde ich äußert unprofessionell und sehr unseriös! Wir suchen uns nun einen seriöseren Telefonanlagen-Partner.
3CX Telefonsoftware
Mit 3CX können wir von überall per Handy telefonieren, als wären wir in der Firma, einfach die App installieren und per Internet telefonieren. man kann immer sehen, wer von den Kollegen gerade telefoniert, auch Abwesenheiten kann man anzeigen.
Androidhandys haben manchmal Probleme mit der App
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hey Mario! Thank you for your review. It's good to know you find 3CX helpful for making calls from anywhere and keeping track of your colleagues' availability. Thanks for choosing 3CX for your communication needs. :)
Neue Telefonanlage
Generelles Telefonieren mit Computersoftware.Chat Funktion mit Kollegen.
App Funktion erkennt nicht das am Telefon Mobil telefoniert wird und klingelt ins Gespräch.Teilweise können Gespräche nicht angenommen werden und verschwinden nach der Annahme.
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hello Peter. Thank you for your review. We're glad you find the general telephony and chat functions with colleagues useful. Regarding the app issue where it doesn't recognize ongoing mobile phone calls, and some calls disappearing after acceptance, we suggest consulting with your IT department or reaching out to a local 3CX partner. They can provide specific assistance for these issues.
Viele Funktionen - kompliziert in der Nutzung
Kommentare: Zum Teil gut, aber mit Verbesserungspotential in Anwendung und Nutzung
Dass ich sowohl vom PC, Handy als auch vom Festnetzteil telefonieren kann und eine Rufliste übergreifend sichtbar habe, finde ich gut. Wenn man über die Kontaktliste geht, sieht man auch direkt, wer gerade telfoniert und kann warten bis die Leitung wieder frei ist.
Ich finde die Einstellungen sind nicht wirklich selbsterklärend. Ich muss nicht oft mein Telefon weiterleiten, wenn ich es muss, weiß ich nicht mehr, wie das funktioniert und finde es auf Anhieb auch nicht. Dann lasse ich doch eben die Telefonate ins leere laufen. Ich denke, meine Telefonsoftware kann noch viel mehr, aber wenn man keine Stunden in das Handbuch verschwenden möchte, ist es schwierig, diese Funktionen zu nutzen. Die App auf dem Smartphone funktioniert teilweise nicht wirklich. (Entgangene Anrufe werden nicht angezeigt o.ä.)Dass man selber weiter geleitet wurde, sieht man leider nicht auf dem Telefon. Das war bei der Anlage vorher schöner, da konnte man auf dem Display erkennen, dass man nicht mehr Kollegin A anruft, sondern auf Kollege B geleitet wird. Findige Personen konnten dann direkt auflegen. Jetzt kommt es auch schonmal vor, dass man direkt anfängt zu Sprechen und irgendwann erst merkt, dass gar nicht derjenige dran ist, den man wollte. Der Angerufene sieht auch nicht mehr, dass das Telefonat von einer anderen Person kommt und meldet sich dementsprechend so, wie wenn man sich meldet, wenn man davon ausgeht, dass der Anrufer weiß, wessen Nummer er gerade anruft - auch mal ohne Namen.
Telefonanlage im 21. Jahrhundert
Sein Telefon auf allen Geräten zu haben, sei es der Laptop oder das Handy, schafft eine Flexibilität, die ihres Gleichen sucht.
Leider kam es gerade im Zusammenspiel mit iPhones schonmal dazu, dass Anrufe nicht richtig geklingelt haben.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Robin, Thank you for your great review! We are sorry to hear you had a frustrating experience with connection but we really appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention.
Funktioniert zuverlässig
Die Telefonanlage lässt sich sowohl über den PC als auch über das reguläre Telefon bedienen.
Manchmal stürzt sie ab und es gibt hin und wieder Tonprobleme, die sich jedoch schnell klären lassenL.
Leider noch nicht kompatibel mit Windows 11
Grundsätzlich eine tolle Telefonanlage (wir nutzen die Cloud-Version), wenn man uns nur vorher gesagt hätte, daß es noch nicht kompatibel ist mit Windows 11
Leider steht nirgendwo beim Anbieter, daß die Telefonanlage noch nicht mit Windows 11 kompatibel ist. Der TAPI Treiber kann so so das Telefon nicht finden und somit auch nicht korrekt eingerichtet und konfiguriert werden. Ein Hinweis auf Ihrer Seite wäre von Vorteil!
Antwort von 3CX
vor 3 Jahren
Hi Nicole and thank you for taking the time to review 3CX. Our Manual does mention the Windows platforms supported: https://www.3cx.com/docs/manual/phone-system-installation-windows/#h.rpbyof1d94m1
Great for call center management
Kommentare: Overall this is a great software program for any company that gets a high volume of calls
I like that you can set your status , and that it shows if you are on the phone, if you have a voicemail, etc.
I will say this system was a lot harder for the older generation employees to train on. For other people it was intuitive.
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hi Jessica! Thank you for your positive feedback on 3CX! We are glad to hear that 3CX has helped you effectively manage your call center. Regarding training, 3CX offers a Certification Program that equips you with all the tools and knowledge necessary for deploying and managing a 3CX Communications System. Also, there's always the option to reach out to our Customer Service team for assistance via the Live Chat bubble found on www.3cx.com or by email at customers@3cx.com.
A fantastic system
Kommentare: I use the self-hosted version with a cheap VPS and pay less than £5 a month including calls on my landline. (SIP from telnyx.com)
3CX is fantastic. It is a great way to spend over 75% less and get 100% more. I have an automated voice answering system that requires the caller presses 1 and if they don't it hangs up, stopping so-called spam bot calls. The system works out of the box with Yealink (which I use) and once configured is a very very wise investment.
3CX don't offer support themselves, you need to go through a vendor. I never needed to and nailed it with self-hosted.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 4 Monaten
Hello Craig. Thank you for your detailed review! It's great to hear that 3CX has been such a cost-effective and efficient solution for your needs. We're glad to see that the self-hosted setup worked well for you as well! Thanks for choosing 3CX as your communications system!
Modified Communication tools
Kommentare: Easy to install on both desktop and mobile devices therefore compatible with most devices.
3CX software is reliable and easy to use for online communication and also easily integrate with WordPress developed and managed websites.
It's friendly support team gives me an expectation service
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Wochen
Hello Ksenjia! Thank you for your review! We're pleased to hear that you find 3CX reliable, easy to use, and compatible with your devices. It’s also great to know you’ve had a positive experience integrating it with WordPress. :)
3CX from Version 20: Best to Avoid
Kommentare: seems that 3CX rushed the release of version 20, launching it in what feels like an alpha stage of development. This is unacceptable for a product that should ensure reliability and continuity in a critical sector like telecommunications.
The 3CX PBX was long regarded as a benchmark in the VoIP telephony industry, praised for its robustness, versatility, and user-friendly interface. Up until version 18, the product stood out for its wide range of configurations and software stability, making it a top choice for businesses of all sizes.
However, the release of version 20 marked a drastic shift. The once-reliable software began to exhibit a series of bugs and malfunctions that significantly compromised the user experience. Features that were well-established in previous versions were either reduced or completely removed, leaving users with less than a quarter of the configuration options they were accustomed to.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 4 Monaten
Hi Roberto. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We’re sorry to hear that V20 didn’t meet your expectations. While it’s true that V20 introduced significant changes, it’s important to note that it’s actively being developed, with more features being improved and added regularly. 3CX V20 also offers enhanced security and AI capabilities, which were not available in previous versions like V18. 3CX is constantly evolving to meet modern requirements, and as with any software, updates are a necessary part of ensuring we stay up to date with industry needs and standards. That being said, we completely respect your decision to explore other options like Fusion 1 PBX, and we wish you the very best in finding the solution that works best for your business.
Not the best choice for Security!
Cost is unbeatable and 3CX can be self-hosted
Lack of professional support and security updates
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: RingEX und Microsoft Teams
Gründe für den Wechsel zu 3CX: Self-hosting options and low cost of getting started
Antwort von 3CX
vor 3 Monaten
Hello Abhijeet. Thank you for your feedback. We’re proud to say that V20 is built with security as a top priority, and we collaborate with trusted security firms like Mandiant to continuously test each system update. As for support, we’re committed to assisting within the scope of our support procedures, and for any needs beyond that, our extensive partner network is available to help. If you decide that RingEX or Microsoft Teams better suits your needs, we completely understand and wish you all the best with your new system.
A Perfect Phone System
Kommentare: The Overall experience with 3CX has been very Good. Before 3CX we used Asterisk. Though Asterisk does good work, what it lacked was a proper telephone system useful for Businesses.
3CX is a perfect Phone system for Businesses. It is one of the best product in the market when it comes to SIP and VOIP Telephone Systems
3CX has worked perfectly for me so far so it is difficult for me to list down what I like least about it.
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hello! Thank you very much for your comprehensive and positive feedback! We are glad to hear that 3CX has effectively addressed your communication challenges, positively impacting your business. We completely agree with your assessment that 3CX is fully scalable, making it the ideal solution for connecting teams, customers, and remote workers as your business continues to grow.
User friendly
This software is simple to use and the features are clearly displayed. Calls are displayed on made, missed or received in a call log.
The call recording is not accessable until 2 hours have past.
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hey Tialee, Thank you for your feedback on 3CX. It's good to hear you find the software user-friendly and more cost-effective solution for you compared to Five9, especially in a large employment setting!
Reliable Call Center Program: 3CX
Customer service is crucial in all organizations of all sizes. 3CX is a single interface for customer live chat, call logging, queue management and real-time reporting.
I am a daily user of 3CX and I seldom land into issues when communicating with customers via voice, chat and video calls.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 3 Monaten
Hello Ngozi. Thank you for your feedback and for highlighting the value 3CX brings to your organization! We're happy to hear that 3CX has been a reliable tool for managing customer service across live chat, call logging, queue management, and real-time reporting. Thank you for sharing your experience!
3CX is a Great Investment
Kommentare: Overall, the 3CX system is a great investment. This phone system has been a great product for our large school district. While there are numerous features available, I only use a fraction of these but attest to the high quality of this system.
There are a lot of things that I love about the 3C phone system we use at work. The feature I like most is the ability to receive voicemail through email. This convenience keeps me on top of calls and allows me to provide excellent customer service without delay.
The maximum voicemail is 2 minutes. I believe 3 minutes would allow customers time to provide more information which could help meet their needs more efficiently.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 3 Monaten
Hello Angie. Thank you for sharing your experience with 3CX! We’re happy to hear that voicemail-to-email has been such a helpful feature for you in providing timely customer service. Regarding the voicemail duration, depending on your license type, your IT team managing the 3CX system may be able to help increase the voicemail length to better meet your needs. Please check with them directly. It's good to know that 3CX has been a valuable asset to your school district and appreciate your positive feedback!
Perfectly solid for basic use
Kommentare: There are some more advanced features that are trickier to configure without additional support
Good call quality is great, and it's easy simple to use for a basic user. It's also not super costly
I see no real cons to the software, it just does what it is supposed to
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Wochen
Hi Mateusz! Thank you for your review! We're glad to hear you're satisfied with the call quality, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness of 3CX. If you need assistance with configuring advanced features, our global community of 3CX Partners are always ready to help. You can find a local one here: https://www.3cx.com/ordering/find-reseller/
3cX for your call center and VoIP needs
Kommentare: Overall, I have no complaints on 3CX as we are very satisfied.
I love all the features of 3CX. I love how easy you can set it up, you can find the calls logs and recordings, plus it has a very comprehensive dashboard. Also, when we reach out to them to increase our accounts SC (concurrent calls), they are very responsive as they have a local partner from where I'm from and it was solved immediately.
The only thing I don't like about 3CX is the provisioning of the softphone as in our setup, people come and go, and we need to provision whenever there's a new employee who'll use it. I think it's better if 3CX can have the login/logout functionality on the desktop app instead of provisioning every time. But it is really negligible and not a deal breaker at all.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: VICIdial
Warum 3CX gewählt wurde: Freepbx for me is very hassle to setup as it is asterisk based and Dialfire is very laggy on our side.
Zuvor genutzte Software: Dialfire
Gründe für den Wechsel zu 3CX: VitalPBX is much more expensive on our current setup and we are not comfortable on using Asterisk based system yet. Also vicidial, it's a great software yet we don't really like the design of the app as it looks outdated.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Cliff and thank you so much for taking the time to review 3CX! We are so glad to hear that you love the ease of setting up 3CX and all the great features offered!
Call me.......The best phone system
Kommentare: The transfer (number port) from our old company was extremely smooth and hassle free, the business wasn't impacted at all.
The phone system appears to be reliable, and the new handsets we had installed, are very easy to use, with features such as touch screen and one button voicemail (no typing in a sequence of numbers) The display is large, and you can automatically see who is "speaking" as their name appears in red on the screen. The touch screen display can show in excess of 25 extensions numbers at a touch, no more entering extension numbers.I am also really pleased with the reports I can generate, such as the calls each employee has taken in a day, all sent via email at a time specified by you, and so easy to set up.The administration features, such as setting bank holidays, Christmas day is so much more user friendly than my old system.So far, I am very impressed, there are features I haven't even explored yet.
One major issue we found was, you cannot rewind the voicemail by seconds, you can only skip to the beginning. We have very large orders left on the voicemails, and we need to be able to jump back to hear one product. You can log on via your PC, however for us this isn't the best option.We have added a ticket and hope the feature can be included.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Simone, thank you for your wonderful review! It's great to see that you have had a positive experience so far in such a short time! We also appreciate your feedback and your raised ticket will be reviewed.
Easy Peasy
Kommentare: Overall I've liked using 3CX. Easy to use, and efficient.
I like the efficiency of the product. Its easy to make, receive and transfer calls using this system. No need for big bulky phone taking up more room on the desk, just simply type the number in using the numbers on the keyboard, and plug in a headset to the USB port.
Its not great when the internet goes down, as the calls then drop. However this is part and parcel of not having a physical desk phone.
Antwort von 3CX
letztes Jahr
Hello Mia! Thank you for your great review. We're pleased to hear you appreciate the efficiency of 3CX and find making, receiving, and transferring calls easy with our system. It's great that the space-saving aspect and simplicity of using a keyboard and headset are beneficial for you. Thanks for choosing 3CX!
Good software for online calling and team calling
Kommentare: I would say it has been satisfactory for the price and limited use
Wase of use, good functionality and reasonably priced
Desktop app is a bit clunky, stops working intermittently and need IT people to fix it
Antwort von 3CX
vor 12 Monaten
Hi Richa! Thank you for your review. We're glad to hear you find 3CX easy to use, functional, and reasonably priced. We've recently introduced a new Windows Softphone offering a smoother experience. You can learn more about it here: https://www.3cx.com/user-manual/windows-softphone-app/ We hope this makes your 3CX experience even better!
My opinion
Kommentare: It helps make my work day easier. It provides excellent connectivity and support if any issue arises
3CX is very easy to use. Installation and maintenance is simple.
3CX often needs to restart. Also, as it is a call through Internet it will need a good internet service.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 12 Monaten
Hello Lana! We're glad to hear you find 3CX easy to use, with simple installation and maintenance. It's great to know that 3CX helps make your workday easier and provides reliable connectivity and support. Thanks for using 3CX! :)
A Seamless Communication Solution: 3CX Software Review
Kommentare: 3CX has been an invaluable asset for our team. Its user-friendly interface, unified communication features, and rich functionality have transformed the way we collaborate and interact with clients. The reliability and cost-effectiveness of the system make it a top choice for our call centre's day-to-day work. I highly recommend giving 3CX a try.
With 3CX, everything is unified under one roof. We can make and receive calls, send messages, and hold video conferences seamlessly. The software also integrates smoothly with Microsoft 365, which has significantly improved our team's efficiency.
3CX relies on a stable internet connection. Even the slightest change will impact your experience. Compared to the previous software we had, this is an ongoing issue we're still trying to find a solution to.
Antwort von 3CX
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Thilina, and thank you so much for taking the time to review 3CX! We really appreciate your kind words. We are glad to hear that 3CX has been an invaluable asset for you and your team!