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Über Scriptcase
Erstelle deine Web-Lösungen auf schnelle und innovative Weise und reduziere die Entwicklungszeit um bis zu 80 %.
The application offers the great flexibility: It can connect to many database from MySQL to ORACLE. We can create an application rapidly and that includes the security role for users as well.
Customer service is very bad and there several bugs in version 9.4 - 9.5.003.
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schnelle Entwicklung auch im Team
Kommentare: Wir haben eine große Plattform für Bildungseinrichtungen damit entworfen mit mehr als 500 Masken.
Bei vielen Funktionen und Masken werden andere Produkte unübersichtlich, bei Scriptcase ist alles unter einer Oberfläche zusammengefasst. Gemeinsame Teamentwicklung ist einfach. Versionsmanagement, keine Fremdtools, für die dann keiner verantwortlich ist. Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung gesichert.
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Fast application development. You can create reports backed by any database in a breeze.
Kommentare: You can quicky create web applications for use with almost any database supported by PHP.
Scriptcase enables you to create web applications quickly, backed by the most popular databases around (MySQL and MS SQL). The available options for reporting are eye-catching. The deployment is easy, by generating a .ZIP deploy package ready to install. There is no need to touch configuration files directly. Scriptcase deploys with a configuration page with all the available parameters ready to define.
Naturally, being a RAD tool, there is no much control over some parts of the applications, like the styles, sizes and orientation of some objects like graphs, buttons and toolbars. But is a little price to pay for a powerful tool.
Evolucion de Scriptcase
Kommentare: La experiencia de este producto cambio en pro a mi empresa porque el manejo de la informacion en cuanto a presentacion y facil uso es sorprendente, sin embargo, creeria que en el manejo de imagenes y la incorporacion de Inteligencia artificial considerarla la llevaria a otro nivel.
El producto lo he utilizado directamente con el servicio de alojamiento, me ha facilitado en un 90% la programacion, a mi me ha agradado el manejo de las grid con las graficas, su presentacion en cambio de temas es formidable, me siento muy a gusto de usar este producto.
Creo que una de las mejoras que pueden considerar seria la integracion de busqueda de datos atraves de voz, es decir un campo de texto que sea capaz de traducir voz y ejecutar la busqueda, seria estupendo,la parte de responsive en lo personal si es bien cierto que se ha cambiado considero que deben trabajar un poco mas para que se vea mas ajustada a los diferentes mobiles
Bad Customer service
They used to have good customer service but I have two issues(Bug) with their product in last one month and they keep ignoring me. I am waiting for a simple respond from Tristan Holder. He just left the chat and ignored without saying anything. This happened two days ago as well. Their customer service is very bad now. I hope they fix their issue. I already paid for the Gold Support and paid for several licenses. If they act like this, they will lose all their customers
Customer service is very bad and there several bugs in version 9.4 - 9.5.003
Scriptcase simplifica el trabajo
Kommentare: Gracias a Scriptcase hemos podido agilizar los procesos de creacion de apps y dedicar los recursos sobrantes a otras areas del negocio
La facilidad de uso y las herramientas que agilizan procesos
Lo que es menos atractivo del programa, es el precio del soporte al cliente.
Support Is Terrible
Kommentare: I use the software out of necessity. If there was another option available, due to the terrible support and business model of the company, I would heavily consider something else..
Scriptcase is a decent and very capable software. You will not find a rapid php development software as well featured as Scriptcase.
Unfortunately with all those features there are several issues with the company's ability to fix bugs and support customers with the software. There is a language barrier with the Portuguese speaking support staff that often introduces delays (running everything through a translator and needing to repeat questions) and inconveniences for the price of the software and support (no direct calls and all chats are delayed by minutes or even hours)

Generación automática de código en minutos
Kommentare: Es una herramienta muy práctica para hacer desarrollos rápidos, tales como un MVP sobre el que el que empezar a iterar de forma manual.
Lo que más me gusta de ScriptCase es la rápidez con la que se puede generar código, tiene una interfaz muy intuitiva y es muy fácil de usar.
Quizás el estilo del código no sea el más elegante, pero es funcional y la herramienta es un poco costosa para la calidad que del código que ofrece.
Amazing software that blew me away when I actually understood what it can do.
Kommentare: The company has been very responsive, there are dozens of hours of training videos online and the manual is 1300 pages!!!! I looked at the completions software like phprunner and a few others and they are not even in the same league as this software. Seriously I am floored this exists and I really wish the company well so they continue to offer it. it keeps you from having to repeat common build outs that take a lot of time in minutes when you learn the product. first graph I created with some data from my database pretty much with default settings was unreal!!! Take the time to look at this product! Its just unreal it exists!!!
I have only been using it about a week but I have produced reports from our database that would take 10 times longer and not have a fraction of the export functions from using this product
It is a very complex product but user friendly. It will take some time to really understand but you will save weeks/months of programming time with this software.
Scriptcase is a baby dragon
Kommentare: Not the best
The dashboard is awesome. It's super lovely. I love the features on the dashboard and tempkates
Poor tech support, and the bugs are super irritating . And super expensive
Scriptcase: For those who want to create an application repidly
Kommentare: I'm using scriptcase for about 5 years now and I'm happy so far.
The application offers the great flexibility: It can connect to many database from MySQL to ORACLE. We can create an application rapidly and that includes the security role for users as well.
For those who want to have an application that is responsive, scriptcase, for now, do not support. Except if you want to combine scriptcase and bootstrap.
Great idea, shame about their product support
Kommentare: A head in the sand approach to customer support and an inability to understand basic sw licensing concepts.
I 'did' like the inclusion of other 3rd party commercial libraries, until they started to pull them without reasonable notice.
Dissapearing GoJs library support meant that we had to acquire additional 3rd party licenses and engage in re-coding our apps.
Ótimo Sistema
Kommentare: Gosto do sistema pois desenvolvo sozinho uma aplicação complexa com vários banco de dados e aplicação.
Gostei pois apresenta conexão com várias bases de dados. Fácil utilização com uso de códigos rápidos.
Leitou não é muito bonito, mas as funcionalidades são incriveis.
Ferramente PHP que traz desgaste
Uma das piores ferramentas de desenvolvimento php do mercado.
Não recomendo.
só torna fácil implementar os cruds mais básicos, mestre detalhes triviais e dash boards simples.
Tabelas mais complexas, relacionamentos não triviais, e funcionalidades que saem do chamado crud, são complicadas e nada práticas de serem implementadas. Setar campos nulos em momento de um insert simples em chaves estrangeiras com possibilidade de valores nulos é um verdadeiro parto. Eventos de drap and drop mais sofisticados tem que ser implementados na mão. Telas mais complexas requerem muito mais custo para serem implementadas. Muitos bugs de uma versão para outra. Quase toda atualização trás uma quantidade significativa de bugs para aplicações já implementadas anteriormente. Se necessário customizar um código dentro de uma aplicação já lançada, customizando diretamente no código fonte, fatalmente irá perder o que for feito se compilar a aplicação novamente. Vendem uma simplicidade que na verdade não existe. O fluxo normal do php acaba ficando confuso. Apresenta incompatibilidades com várias bibliotecas php do mercado. Apresenta incompatibilidade com várias bibliotecas javascript do mercado. Se importado boostrap diferente do nativo, as chances de erros de layout são imensas. Definição de templates não é prática. Códigos de uma livraria php, são copiados para dentro do script final, o que torna o código muito grande. Arquitetura toda baseada em frames. Telas não se ajustam automaticamente (parece que nem usa os recursos de mediaquery), dashboards mais complexos se torna custoso e nada prático de implementar, sendo preferível usar ferramentas como o powerbi.