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Über Google Workspace Backup
Google Workspace Backup ist eine Back-up-Lösung, die alle Google-Workspace-Daten schützt.
I like the storage, self-domain email, and multiple connected packages.
The list of apps we can backup is limited and some we use are not in the list (ex: Salesforce but not Hubspot).
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A solution to data back up problem.
It is possible to integrate google workspace with other applications for data management. The software is easy to use and has tutorials and guides all over the internet Incase of any need for guidance.it is also cheap to use.
The limitation to freespace to only 2GB. It would be worth it is more.
Utile per gestire il tuo backup
Kommentare: Mi ha risolto notevoli problemi di archiviazione dati
La gestione di più dispositivi contemporaneamente
Non è subito molto intuibile ma si impara facilmente
Saves your data. That matters!
Helped me a lot sync our corporate files in a remote first company
Pricing is a little expensive per user, but the apps tiers are generous.
Funziona bene e offre sicurezza
Kommentare: Esperienza tutto sommato positiva. Dopo un utilizzo prolungato spero di poter scrivere altro
Sicuramente offre i standard di sicurezza che ti aspetti
Alcune funzioni automatizzate dovrebbero essere sotto il controllo individuale
Best value for money
Kommentare: As an admin, my mistakes can have huge consequences.
Easy to set up and use.The customer service is super reactive and efficient.
Some search criteria are lacking when I want to retrieve datas (search deleted items by date for exemple). The list of apps we can backup is limited and some we use are not in the list (ex: Salesforce but not Hubspot)

Datos forever
Kommentare: Excelente y satisfactoria.
Lo mejor es que podemos relamente cumplir con la política de retención de datos. El mix que ofrece el software para hacernos responsables por los datos que vamos produciendo y la entereza de saber que no se van a extraviar. La compresión a la tercera parte de los datos parece surrealista pero posible.
No noto algún contra cuando todo es posibilidades de mejora, de seguridad, de garantía, de mantener los datos en un lugar seguro.
Excellent for your company
Kommentare: I share photos and videos of my work and I have plenty of storage and I keep everything in one place
I like the storage, self-domain email, and multiple connected packages.
There's nothing I don't like, it's all really good.
Safe space for any data you maintain
Kommentare: The functions and the features are the most fantastic options throughout my experience with the software.
It provides me with secure storage and full control over my data.
Sometimes I have to re-upload the data on the website as it crashes.
Google workspace backup
Kommentare: It has been a great experience so far with this software. It has become a valuable member of the team and without this I don't think the company could function
Google workspace backup is it a system that you cannot get by without in business it backs up your information to the cloud so if everything goes wrong it's still there it is awesome
The only time was it took a few days to learn the system and be back at schedule and stuff. This system is awesome
very good softhware Google Workspace
provide a plan for my work and my business
mostly like free trail because india need free
Indispensabile per condividere file importanti
Kommentare: È un prodotto del quale non posso più farne a meno e che mi sento di consigliare
Mi è piaciuta di più la facilità d’uso e la possibilità di inviare anche file molto pesanti e condividerli con altri utenti
Non c’è nulla che mi sia piaciuto meno perché finora l’ho trovato un ottimo prodotto