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Über Astah Professional
Astah Professional ist ein UML+ERD-Modellierungstool für Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen.
The last thing that I want to do is to wrestle with the tool as my ideas and thoughts float away.
Not possible to adapt models to other methods (TOGAF, BPMN...). No link between activities & lanes in activity diagrams and other UML components (actors...).
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Ein vielseitiges und intuitives Diagrammwerkzeug
Eine der herausragenden Funktionen von Astah ist die Unterstützung für verschiedene Diagrammtypen, darunter UML, ER, Flussdiagramm und Mind Map.
Fehlt eine Beispiellibrary und die Dokumentation ist nicht sehr umfassend.
Astah Professional im Unterrich
Erstellen aller Diagrammtypen wie Klassendiagramme, Sequenzdiagramme, Objektdiagramme, Anwendungsfalldiagramme und ER-Diagramme
Ein Plugin für Eclipse mit der einfachen Integration der Diagramme in ein Projekt.
Gutes UML State Machine Tool
Kommentare: Übersichtliches Tool welches unsere Bedürfnisse (UML State Machines) sehr gut bedient.
Einfache Erstellung von UML State Machines für SinelaboreRT.Übersichtliche Funktionen.
Es wäre schön wenn es eine einfache Möglichkeit geben würde C-Source Code in den States und Transitions eingeben zu können mit der gebräuchlichen Formatierung.
Das meiste gut, eine Schlüsselfunktion fehlt
Möglichkeit verschiedene Modellierungsarten in einer Software darzustellen und zu bearbeiten.
Absolute Insellösung. Schaubilder lassen sich mehr schlecht als recht in andere Formate umwandeln/exportieren.
Amazing modeling tool!
When searching for a new modeling tool, we came across Astah Professional. We were skeptical of the features and so elected to try the free trial. Boy are we glad we did! We went ahead an purchased multiple licenses because the product does everything it says and then some! It is by far the easiest, most helpful modeling tool we've come across, and has made our diagramming much smoother and more efficient. Any questions we've had have been promptly answered by the support team, and they are always very courteous and informative. Definitely worth the price!
There is nothing that is a deal breaker for us. In terms of preference, it would be nice for operation parameters to have initial values as an option, but the type modifier works well enough for our purposes.
Astah pro review
Kommentare: Very good. I work nearly full day with Astah since the creation of Jude
Adherence to UML method. Look & feel. real referential between diagrams
Some bugs on large files Search (see above) not possible to adapt models to other methods (TOGAF, BPMN...) no link between activities & lanes in activity diagrams and other UML components (actors...)
Good for teaching
Kommentare: A decent tool for the money and has all the various UML diagrams.
They offer a 1 year free license to students.
Some of the labeling on the different components in the diagram is confusing.
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Initial review
Kommentare: I am using it for quick UML model development for which is works perfect.
1. Ease of use 2. UML coverage 3. Extendibility
1. Limited model interchangability 2. Web enablement 3. Brand familiarity
An asset at many levels
Kommentare: I have grown to rely on it heavily, both when working out a complex software or database structure and when explaining it to others.When I recently left a situation where I was employed to re-start my own consultancy business, Astah was one of the first products I decided to buy on my own account. It has already helped me to secure a substantial contract.
Having used Astah for many years in both team-based contexts and individually, it has always been both easy to use and easy to deploy.I selected it over others both because of its flexibility in use and its adherence to UML modelling conventions. It offers an exactly appropriate amount of helpful guidance for less experienced users and has a highly flexible backbone, which lets experienced modelers use it in appropriate ways for a wide range of projects.
Most of the slight reservations I had with earlier version have been addressed. They related more to the on-screen presentation controls like font controls. Most of the designs I work on as a software architect need to be made visually attractive as well as rigorously modeled, and in earlier version I had to do some post-processing to achieve that. Now, though, it's easy.
Astah Professional is outstanding
Kommentare: I use Astah for use case and sequence diagrams for the most part. Both of these diagrams should be imported into Astah from spreadsheets, but that powerful import facility does not exist.
The colorful and easy to create UML diagrams, especially the sequence diagrams, convey detailed information in a very effective way.
The import facility is not very robust, meaning that almost everything must be manually entered into the UML model. When most of the system data is already managed in large spreadsheets, it would be helpful to tailor the spreadsheet data and then import it directly into Astah, where Astah would create the objects along with their attributes and relationships and then auto generate the appropriate diagram.
Antwort von Change Vision
letztes Jahr
Thank you for your feedback! You may already know this but you can create objects and attributes by pasting texts from Clipboard. (Not relationships though.) https://astah.net/support/astah-pro/user-guide/diagram-editor/#from-clipboard In your case, You can copy all the texts that will become Lifeline names in the spreadsheet, then paste them on the Sequence diagram. Then you will have all the Lifelines at once. Or, 1. Create a Class diagram, copy texts to clipboard that will become Class names. 2. Paste them on Class diagram, then you will have all the Classes with the pasted text as their names. 3. Copy texts to clipboard that will become their attributes/operations. 4. Select a Class on the diagram that you want to add attributes/operations, then paste the copied text 5. Now Attributes/Operations will be added to the Class 6. Create a Sequence diagram, drag all the Classes from the tree to the Sequence diagram 7. Now you will have Lifelines with dragged Classes as base classes.
Astah for Education
There are free student licenses which help using course-based materials for teaching software engineering. The interface is intuitive and easy to use.
The amount of information that can be displayed is great- sometimes it can be overwhelming for larger diagrams to tune the display to what you need.
Antwort von Change Vision
vor 9 Monaten
Thank you for your feedback. We're glad the free student licenses and intuitive interface meet your needs in teaching software engineering. For managing information display in larger diagrams, you might find the visibility settings useful. These can be adjusted per project in [Tools] → [System Properties] → [Initial Visibility], or for individual diagrams via the [Initial Visibility] tab in the left-bottom pane.
The best software to create UML diagrams
Good features to create UML diagrams, easy to use.
Expensive if you don't receive your income in dollars.
CASE tool Forward Emgineering Value
Kommentare: Delivered great value project after project during initial DB design and process/data flow modeling for scope and boundary definition.
Supports IE (crows foot) notation for ERD. Robust data dictionary support. Reverse engineering of schema. UML and DFD (+Yordon DeMarco). Windows, Mac, and Linux clients!
Still lack reverse engineering from DDL scripts.
If you enjoy UML Diagramming, you won't regret using Astah!
Kommentare: My experience has been great and I plan to keep using Astah throughout my development career as a software Engineer.
The ease of creating, editing, and using the different uml diagrams that Astah has to offer is the best part. I was introduced to Astah in my college years and instantly saw its potential benefit for my career.
I don't believe I have any dislikes to report at the moment. The software is pretty solid.
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Why Astah after all these other modeling tools?
Kommentare: My overall experience with Astah has been very good over the years and I will continue to use the tool in coming years.
Today, when using a modeling tool, my primary concern regards the usability of the tool. If I need to model something quickly then I want to be able to get my ideas onto a canvas quickly and easily. The last thing that I want to do is to wrestle with the tool as my ideas and thoughts float away.The installability of the tool is really good as well as I never have any issues with updates/upgrades and they are always welcome as I know the vendor always adds some new feature that I didn't know that I needed.
One of my biggest complaints about Astah has been its lack of good and reliable reverse engineering, specifically with C++. Another feature that I wish was improved is the sharing of models and I don't believe that the current feature is good enough.
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Kommentare: 仕事の都合でOSS (Open Source Software)であるモデリングツールを探すことがよくありますが,機能と使いやすさから結局astahに戻ってきてしまいます.多くの人に使ってもらう機会があるときに,導入もしやすく,使い勝手の良さから他の選択肢がありません.そう思えるだけの優れた使いやすさを提供してくれています.商用ですので仕方が無いと思いますが,開発したプラグイン等を無料で多くの人が使えるような環境整備をしてくれると有り難いと感じます.
Excelente software para modelagem UML
Kommentare: O software funciona muito bem em sistemal operacionais Linux, ele é fácil de usar.
No diagrama de casos de uso existe uma aba onde se pode indicar de onde vem os dados de entrada e saída.
A geração de relatórios dos casos de uso não é muito funcional.
Kommentare: プログラムの設計で自分の考えをまとめるだけでなく、チームメンバーにすばやく理解していただくのに大変役立っています。ライセンス管理の大変さはありますが、それ以上にとても大きな開発効率アップの効果が得られました。
Kommentare: umlやer図、ロバストネス分析など、システム開発におけるモデリングをシームレスに統合して行えるとても有意義なツール。これほど幅広い記法に対応しながら、使いやすいモデリングツールを他に知らない。自分は学習者向けに利用しているが、モデリングツールとしては使いやすいので初学者でも取り組みやすい。
umlのダイアグラムだけでなく、ER図やロバストネス分析など、幅広いモデリングに対応しながらも、これだけ使いやすいツールは見当たらない。umlやer図など、記法に関する知識は必要だが、学習した記法を演習として作成するには初学者でも使いやすいツール。使いやすいからと言って単なる学習ツールに留まるのではなく、スケルトンコードの生成やsql ddlの生成など実用性も十分に備えており、開発現場でも十分に実用できるツール。
Kommentare: レビューのテキストボックスに半角英数を入れるとエラーになります。アプリも不具合多く、テストが不足していると思います。
協力会社等、社外にUML作成を依頼した場合、astahで作成されている場合が多い。qwertyキーボードや、MS Officeと同じで、特に使い勝手が良いわけではないが、皆が使っており、互換性の問題が発生する以上、他への移行は考えづらい。
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Kommentare: 作業標準化に適している。
Kommentare: マインドマップによる議事録と課題の整理。クラス図によるデータ定義。