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Über Fiverr Pro
Fiverr Business hilft dir, deinem Team Top-Freiberufler für Projekte jeder Größenordnung bereitzustellen.
You also get a dashboard that is so easy to use. What that means is that you are able to integrate freelancers from all over the world into your team.
We don't hire freelancers often, so the extra features aren't quite necessary.
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Fiverr interessiert nur der Umsatz, sobald es Probleme gibt, wird man auf den Anbieter verwiesen
dachte, die Bewertungen sind echt, aber wenn man aktiv schlechte Bewertungen verhindert, wundert es mich nicht, wenn nur Top-Anbieter dabei sind.
Fiverr interessiert der Käufer solange er Geld bringt, gibt es Probleme, interessiert sich keiner mehr dafür. Ich hatte einen Anbieter um die Erstellung eines professionellen Pdfs für einen dreistelligen Betrag gebeten; im Vorfeld habe ich dem Anbieter alles zur Verfügung gestellt, er meinte, er schaffe das in 3 Tagen. Nach drei Verlängerungen von in Summe mehr als 3 Wochen, hat der Anbieter dann lapidar mitgeteilt, dass er es nicht schafft und um Stornierung des Auftrages gebeten (womit keine Bewertung möglich ist und ich als Käufer mit leeren Händen, sprich ohne Pdf da stünde); ich habe abgelehnt und fiverr angesprochen. Fiverr weigert sich, irgendwas zu tun, frei nach dem Motto: Nicht unser Problem. Nun stehe ich ohne Arbeit da und musste einen anderen Anbieter engagieren, der mich rund das sechsfache kostet. Antwort fiverr: Uns doch egal. Sprich: Man zahlt Geld und bekommt keine Unterstützung von fiverr. Daher: FINGER WEG.

Superb access to professional gig workers
Kommentare: I strongly recommend using Fiverr pro for gig services, they have a great and vetted professional across many categories who deliver high quality jobs, the customer support was also very helpful, I think everyone should try them.
Great collection of professional gig workers to select from and helpful customer support
Services are expensive to access for a company on a tight budget
Fiverr Pro Delivers Exceptional Quality and Expertise
The platform vets its Pro sellers rigorously, so you can trust that they have the skills and experience to deliver on their promises.
Services offered Pro sellers can be costly compared to standard Fiverr gigs due to the higher quality and expertise.
Easy to use but hard to find reliable people at times
Kommentare: For tech, 100% will use again, I will also try again for some graphic design work but for architectural drafting I will not use again.
For small tasks this is an excellent service. I have had great success with tech issues and help and it was extremely easy, fast and super affordable.
I tried to source architectural work for drafting it was not a success at all. The architect who said they had experience and photos of previous work did not indeed deliver on the job at all and I have little faith that the work experience they posted was theirs or accurate.

Beware of Scammers and Spammers
Kommentare: OK, but again, the scammers and Spammers are abundant and take up your time and productivity
Increase your online presence by adding numerous portfolio items.
Seemed like alot of spam and scammers trying to get you to do things outside of the system

Fiverr where your career belong
Kommentare: Great experience love fiverr
What i really like about fiverr is the fluidity turn from customer to buyer in one click you can creat and sell any service you are good in all over the world and make a career and stable income when you pass the challenges and become a trusted seller what i like also is the security of the process made by the team of fiverr so you will never lose your money there or fall to a scam and also there are plenty of tutorials offered by fiverr and all over the net to use.
What i like the least about fiverr and it will be my suggestion for the team developers is that maybe it is better for every service to make a mid price that everyone have to accept as we can find people that work as a team and they make a low price for their service even if that service requires a lot of efforts so they won't let the single worker make a profit from the services he offers that would be great if the minimum price is fixed by fiverr and give the chance to every seller to make a profit over it and also help the buyer and make him sure that nobody in fiverr is better than the other even if he has few sells so i suggest to be more exigent about the identity of the buyer so that everyone will be aware of the risk of not completing perfectly his work with the client
Collaboration has never been easier
When the global pandemic hit, collaboration on projects became physically challenging. Thanks to Fiverr Business, those physical constraints no longer matter. My business has soldiered on and has been able to collaborate and achieve growth. We have hired talented team members with dedicated skills and expertise worldwide and brought them together with Fiverr Business collaborations. Collaboration makes the most of the knowledge, experience, and skills of all participants. There is a great deal of sharing ideas and brainstorming. With vendor information readily available extra talent is quickly brought aboard when needed.
The experience thus far has been good.

Best site for freelancers
Kommentare: There are wonderful and talented freelancers whose expertise our not very expensive.
The most important feature is that it's possible to include your team's wish to make for better collaborative efforts.
Having to pay for a product that is marginally better than the free version.

Good for Beginners
Fiverr has always helped me get some side income. But, when it comes to starting your career at Fiverr, it is simply great. For beginner freelancers, I would surely recommend it.
Customer service doesn't listen to the freelancers only prefers clients. Some policies are not good either.

Easy for collaboration
For just $149 per year, you can easily outsource on Fiverr. The great thing is that Fiver Business allows you to add the rest of your team. This allows for easy collaboration with freelancers, as you don't always have to go back to your team with feedback. I've also found out that you can always look through freelancers as a team, which means you don't have to make decisions on your own. Lastly, the frontend is user-friendly and you can find everything you need quite easily. Also, there are various languages on offer.
At the moment, i still haven't had a bad experience.

Love it!
Kommentare: Very pleased overall.
Amazing place where you can find ANY professional you need. As an author, I have found a translator, an editor and a book cover designer here. It has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. The search engine offer many top options. Amazing support if anything goes wrong or is not to your liking.
Some scam artists nest here. You have to be sure who you are working with. Check their reviews and previous jobs.
Fiverr Pro 2023 review
Kommentare: Fiverr Pro is well-suited for premium projects where clients are willing to pay for top-tier talent. Working on high-profile or critical projects, the premium services offered by Fiverr Pro can be an asset.
It is the assurance of high quality and professionalism in the services provided.
Fiverr Pro services tend to be more expensive compared to standard Fiverr offerings. This is due to the increased quality and professionalism that come at a premium, making it less cost-effective for individuals or businesses with limited budgets
Crucial for any freelancer
Kommentare: Really helped elevate the sales figures on my business and linked me with more professional and larger clients more likely to return order. Very streamlined process and overall gave a more premium and professional feel compared to Fiverr standard.
As a freelance writer operating mainly off Fiverr, Fiverr Business has been critical in improving my sales and giving more consistent clients. Fiverr Business really shines once you get to a point in freelance work when Fiverr considers you reliable and authentic. Here, Fiverr Business help[ take your work to the next level by linking you with businesses and more professional clients. The entire process is simple and feels like an extension of Fiverr with no hassle. There is great potential for repeat customers on Fiverr Business sue to the professional nature of the work as opposed to single clients. As a result, the networking potential beyond the initial sale is immense. For any freelancer on Fiverr, Fiverr business is a must have.
Fiverr Business requires you to already be somewhat established on Fiverr. For the freelancer starting off on Fiverr, Fiverr Business is less likely to give you as many options due to its need to consider you a significant and reliable freelancer on Fiverr already. Fiverr Business unfortunately does not offer as much opportunity to freelancers just starting out although there are limited opportunities. As a result, it is still worth your time to use Fiverr Business even as you start out.
Mon Avis
Kommentare: j'ai toujours eu une expérience propre, fascinante et satisfaisante
le logiciel répond extrêmement bien, le service client est impeccable, le tableau de bord est simple mais très professionnel
ce que je n'ai pas pu digérer c'est le temps d'attente pour pouvoir refaire le test d'admissibilité au cas ou tu le rate la 1 ere fois
Quality work
Kommentare: When i get fiverr, is an amazing platorm, which provides me to an opportunity and facilitate me to grow my skills on this platform, i also improve my self by selling my expertise and now i am an entrepreneur of my brand
Both for sellers and buyers and get satisfied, by mutual interaction and easy communicable.
Off course, make ot easy to use on mobile, need to add withdrawal option on mobile application
Great for collaboration
My company started using Fiverr Business a few months ago and this couldn't have come at a better time! For now, we are using it for free but still enjoying the great features it has to offer. It's so easy to find freelancers as they are categorized by work. They have also been vetted, which means you only get high quality work. On top of that, I think that Fiverr Business has the best collaboration tools so far. Using Fiverr Business, you are able to organize all your team members, as well as your workflow. You also get a dashboard that is so easy to use. What that means is that you are able to integrate freelancers from all over the world into your team.
So far, I'm impressed by all the features on offer
if you need to start a business , use fiverr
Kommentare: it is so benefitful and interesting as well
it is a large stage where you can show your work and skills and find many buyers at the price you want and for free.
till now still have no problems and no defects seen yet
Kommentare: It’s has been great. They protect you at all cost and they keep you alert.
I am able to create gigs and promote it to receive business and gain clients.
The time period to receive funds after a work is completed. Also the time frame it takes to receive new clients is a bit long.
Fiverr business
I have been using Fiverr for a long time and highly recommend it. There are some very talented freelancers on Fiverr.
It's a bit pricey, but well worth it, in my opinion.
Fiverr my favorite
I am a singer and when I need services for my career, I always go to fiverr and I always find what I'm looking for.
At fiverr there is diversity. It is really impressive. I no longer need to look for musicians physically for productions of my songs. I just need to connect to fiverr and I have the solution. Moreover, they are professionals. I like fiverr.
Fiverr Works for Our Purposes, But A little Unwieldy
Kommentare: Overall, pretty good. I just don't like paying freelancers in advance for things we're not certain about using
They have a lot of great talent! Almost always impressed with the freelancers.
We don't hire freelancers often, so the extra features aren't quite necessary
I love fiverr!
very easy to use and find people who you need help with for a project
the fact that they have guidelines saying they cant communicate outside of fiverr
Kommentare: Es muy fácil promocionar tu servicio solo tienes que seguir los pasos que se indica.
Los clientes a ti solos solo viendo tus anuncios de ofertas.
Mucha competencia eso hace que tarde un poco que te contacten.
Not worth the money. Regular Fiverr is enough for my needs.
I didn't really see the advantages of Fiverr Business over regular Fiverr.
Having to pay for a slightly better software than the free one.
not worth your money i believe fiverr is a scam
Kommentare: scam
it seems like fiverr is a bit of scam, i am now unable to contact customer service after pressing so many buttons the chat doesnt work no one is there i believe this site is a scam
easy to use capterra seems ok and good for booking