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Über CodePen
CodePen ist eine Online-Social-Development-Plattform für Frontend-Designerteams und -Entwicklerteams.
Every month the community completes themed challenges to hone the skills. This is a great way to practice and learn more about how the code works.
It also does not do well on smaller screens. The interface takes up a lot of screen real estate and it is not always conducive.
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Nutzerbewertungen filtern (21)

Amazing Intergrated development environment for creative ideas and collaboration
Kommentare: Codepen is a great option for rapid online coding.
Codepen is my number online app dev alternative of all time. It's just one Google search away and is fast and responsive.It's also free and has a beginner-friendly GUI. It offers the possibility to open up to 3 tabs at the same time; this is great as it endorses an easy workflow and boosts productivity rates. This software enables me to work on personal as well as collaborative projects. It's an amazing hub for collaboration, creative ideas, and skill training.I get in touch with various developers around the world and I also get to discover their skills and work- it's simply fun.
One weird thing with code pen is how complex it seems sometimes. It wasn't easy for me to be able to locate some features (like, where to insert the header tags ) in the app as they seem hidden.

Best light-weight code editor for anyone who likes to code.
Kommentare: I have been using this tool to showcase my skills and try out small codes. The animations and other designing features are great in this application. It is online and everything is stored on cloud, making it easier to access from any device all around the world.
The interface is very good and the application is fast. There are many features to help in coding and many programming languages to choose. We can display our code snippets in the form of pens and make it available for everyone to view it. It is the best platform to showcase one's skills. We can even checkout other user's pens or snippets and can fork it for ourselves.
Although this application have lots of features but it lacks many which other competitors have. The auto-code completion is poor as the code library is not vast. It is only useful for small one page projects and can not handle very large projects.
For showcasing your small snippets it is good. More like a social ground for developers to showcase
Kommentare: Overall , sine the community for codepen is huge. It is a great social platform tool to showcase your code like amazing animations. Most users share and showcase their animation snippet through codepen. For larger projects other tools like codesanbox can be used.
Good for showcasing small code snippets as the community for codepen is very large compared to other tools like codesandbox. Minimal configuration to start with.
Very limited feature for codepen projects. More features are available in paid version. Also, intellisense is not great in codepen. Other tools like codesanbox provides better features and intellisense for larger projects.
the best ally to get started in coding
Kommentare: Code Pen was an extraordinary tool, I would say almost fundamental during my learning process as a developer, it seems to me that it is the best product for someone who is just starting out, or at least for me it was.
it is definitely its graphical interface, how intuitive it is, you like to use it. For students who are just starting out, the use of a tool like Code Pen is great.
I use it as a user and in free versions, because in my opinion its scalability for projects due to the limited one is with the languages is decisive according to the type of project. Ideal for web development use, not so for other tools
Easy and FREE!
It always works well and allows me to quickly test small pieces of code on multiple devices. The free features are really useful
I wish you would be able to pause the auto-running/updating functionality whilst writing code in a CodePen. It can be quite annoying and disruptive sometimes
The versatile tool for Frontend Developing
Code pen user interface is amazing and it's performance also. Good.Mos t important thing is s no need to download bundle of softwares ...can use all html,css,Java script in online.Also it's allow copy pasting.
It's sometimes get lac ...while working large files.

Ultimate tool for developers
Kommentare: First of all, CodePen is a unique tool for developers. You don`t need to configure the local server for development. Just create your account or sign in and that`s all. CodePen is a simple and great. What I`ve like the most: it doesn`t matter what is the length of your code. The animations, scripts are works great. Also you can work with this software from any device, because all of your projects are hosted on cloud.
You can create your projects for free, UI is great and clean, must have tool for developers
I totally happy with CodePen. Can`t say anything negative about it.
Best for front-end development
Kommentare: Codepen is amazing to use unless you have to code in any other language rather than HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Excellent and easy to use user interface. I would highly recommend this for front-end development and sharing your code through a single link. Best thing about CodePen is one can view the output at real time while editing the code.
It has only 3 languages available i.e HTML, CSS and Javascript and another thing I don't like is that it does not have the feature of live collaboration.

Web-Based Front End Development
Kommentare: CodePen is a great place to learn and work on coding web-based and front-end projects. The challenges are fun and engaging and the community is very supportive.
CodePen is an excellent web-based IDE for web and front-end development. The site supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. One of the best features is the challenges. Every month the community completes themed challenges to hone the skills. This is a great way to practice and learn more about how the code works. CodePen is also the preferred IDE of freeCodeCamp.
The only issue I have is the interface has a bit of a learning curve. Looking at the interface for the first time can be somewhat daunting. It also does not do well on smaller screens. The interface takes up a lot of screen real estate and it is not always conducive.

Live Code Editor
CodePen is a great tool for front-end developers to test out their code on the fly and share it with others. CodePen can be used to create code snippets and test them on the fly and share them with others. Mostly, the use-case is to embed the code on the website. It's a pretty useful and solid tool. Not only that you can search other developers' code like CSS animations, JavaScript techniques, and much more. Highly Recommended
It's a great tool, no complaints so far. The feature they can introduce is the beauty code snippets.
CodePen ottimo sito web per trovare progetti per il propio sito web
Kommentare: La mia esperienza con CodePen è completamente positiva, se potessi dare più stelle ne darei, rimane il sito web migliore in assoluto per trovare ogni tipo di progetto di altri utenti perfetto veramente
Uso CodePen da anni ormai, mi piace molto la possibilita di vedere progetti di altri utenti, mi è piaciuto molto il fatto che CodePen ti consenta di vedere in tempo reale il progetto scritto in vari linguaggi, molto bella la grafica, grazie a CodePen sono riuscita a prendere grandi progetti da implementare nel mio sito web. Ho apprezzato molto il fatto che quando esporti il progetto rimane salvato ogni file JS e CSS in 2 cartelle separate ottimo. Anche la possibilità di modificare il codice HTML direttamente dal sito web perfetto
Quello che mi è piaciuto di meno di CodePen è che avevo esportato un progetto di un utente che mi piaceva moltissimo, quando l'ho esportato ho aperta il file HTML non funzionava il non riconoscendo i file scritti in javascript, quando in CodePen in preview caricava tutto alla perfezione da risolvere

CodePen miglior modo per mpstrare i propi progetti
Kommentare: La mia esperienza con CodePen è de tutto positiva lo utilizzo da anni ormai è fondamentalmente per chi lavora nell'ambito di webdevolper, il sito è veloce è fluido anche visitato mobile quindi continuate così 👍👍👍
CodePen mi piace molto perchè posso condividere progetti con altri utenti, passo ore a vedere progetti veramente perfetti creati con css3 e javascript da parte di altri utenti, la cosa che mi piace molto è che permette l'esportazione completa in un file zip dove ti trovi il file .html con tutte le relative cartelle .js .css, io trovo questo sito veramente utile per implementazione direttamente nel sito in progettazione è implementare il codice grazie ha utenti che mettono impegno per condividere i loro progetti con altri. Mi piace molto l'anteprima dei progetti anche se molto pesanti per un sito web per la riproduzione, CodePen lo apre e riproduce il progetto perfettamente senza blocchi, penso che CodePen sia indispensabile per i webdevolper che progettano siti web scrivendosi come me, codici html e js per creare un sito web da solo senza aiuto di piattaforme più note. Che dire io lo uso da anni rimane sempre il numero 1 dei reposity html, il sito rimane sempre sicuro e affidabile, i complimenti davvero hai creatori continuante così 👍👍👍👍
Allora di persè CodePen non presenta alcun errore che non permette l'utilizzo e la visualizzazione dei progetti, una cosa che dovreste migliorare che personalmente non mi è piaciutà è il fatto che, quando trovo un progetto che mi piace lo apro in CodePen viene aperto correttamente con tutte le varie librerie js, css, js, quando lo esporti e lo estrai sul pc in locale presenta errori con la visualizzazione, quindi quando succede c'ho devo riaprire il progetto che mi è piaciuto è vedere dove è l'errore che non permette la visualizzazione corretta in locale sul PC, nell'esportazione del progetto non viene mostrato alcune volte il link https://sitoweb.com/image/image.png, l'immagine risulta non trovata in locale, con tasto destro, ispeziona elemento, non trova il file o nei casi più gravi non trova le librerie di javascript è quindi non visualizza correttamente il progetto esportato. Dovreste migliorare su questo aspetto è impedire che quando un utente crea un progetto, inserisce un'immagine o un link rimandande a un hosting di assicurarsi che sia presente, perchè poi presenta errori in locale
Buen editor de codigo online
Kommentare: Muy buena, en general lo utilizo para crear proyectos siemples con JS.
Puedes crear nuevo codigo de forma rapida y eficiente y te permite compartir tu codigo.
Algunas veces la ejecuta del codigo tiene algunas fallas o se hace lenta el mostrar el resultado final.
Perfect Tool For front-end developer
I faced some difficulty in the beginning because the program does not support a back-end programming language.
But using it for a period of time I saw that the program was designed in a good way to make it easier for us to create a front-end layouts.
I worked on a personal page and another page for electronic payment.
Finally, looking at other screens to see the changes made me suffer but using this program helped me to avoid this.
What I liked is the mechanism for displaying consistent HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes next to each other on one page with the ability to view added modifications immediately. This is very cool if we are using large displays. It facilitates the process of navigating between the code files and the website to find out the details of whether they are good or not.
I didn't like that I constantly need the Internet to continue working. I thought this was an app I could download to work on if internet wasn't available. I face a delay in displaying interface layout when I work with large files.
A good tool for developer
Kommentare: My overall experience is good, not really easy to use for a junior developer like me but very helpful in some occasions
That you can find many useful codes done by people and you can easily see the output of your code, we used it to learn as a backboard
That there are no suggestions to complete the code, see VSCode as example, for junior devs like me could be a little hard to find errors
Great and amazing code-sharing platform
It is easy to use and save the code. We can easily build, edit and take a look of the live preview of the output. We can easily use CodePen without installing any code-editor. Also, we can manage and edit the code easily on the cloud.
All the features are not provided in free version and pricing of pro version of CodePen is higher as compared to other alternatives. So, they should try to give some affordable pricing for pro-version.
My Opinion
Kommentare: Awesome editor with live preview result.
Awesome online code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript . I like its Live preview result.
Nothing negative about this editor. But can be added free pro version.
Amazing light-weight code editor.
It have very user-friendly interface. It provides live preview results for the ones who are using or editing someones code online. It allows users to showcase there skills by displaying the code snippets in the form of pens. It has a large community. Also, the platform provides good storage space.
The only drawback using this tool is that we cannot use it in the offline mode.
Most convenient IDE for me
CodePen is the easiest to adopt IDE for application development, you can easily start coding and organize your work.
everything is quite fine so far, I haven't experinced any issues that worth to mention here.
Is very reliable
I like that you can share just parts of the code, as opposed to the full thing each time . The platform gives you a lot of storage room and running commands through the console is simple and smooth .
You can't work on it offline . The interface is outdated and can be confusing when you are starting out . The community is still growing and it can take a while for you to receive the help you need .
Great for both experiments and for actual work .
I like that the app allows you to select whether to test the whole code or just parts of it ( which you determine ) .
You can't use it offline . A lot of the error messages and unclear and do not really let you know what the exact issue is .