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Über Microsoft Planner
Microsoft Planner ist eine neue App von Microsoft, mit der Teams ihre Arbeit organisieren können.
The platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive design made it simple for me to create and manage tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.
It is limited, and i assume as the product develops more and more, the cons i do have will go away.
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Ganz nett, aber sehr optimierungsbedürftig
Kommentare: Grundsätzlich find ich gut, dass das Tool in der 360° Suit integriert ist. Aber wenn man sich vorher mit Trello organisiert hat, dann bietet der Planner nicht mal im Ansatz die Möglichkeiten sich damit ähnlich gut zu organisieren.
Das Tool ist relativ intuitiv und grundsätzlich übersichtlich.
- es gibt keinerlei Formatierungsmöglichkeiten (Fett, Kursiv, Nummerierungen etc.) - wenn Text reinkopiert wird, wird automatisch irgendeine andere Schriftart genommen, die nicht angepasst werden kann, somit sieht der text wie Kraut und Rüben aus - Bilder können nicht einfach reinkopiert werden, jeder Screenshot muss extra gespeichert und einzeln hochgeladen werden --> das ist super umständlich und vor allem total überholt - es ist in den Kommentaren und in der Beschreibung nicht möglich Nutzer:innen zu vertaggen (auch sehr überholt)
Microsoft Planner für bessere Ordnung
Ich nutze Microsoft Planner als Aufgabenübersicht und zur Planung, da es mit allen Microsoft Tools verknüpft ist, ist es sehr leicht das ganze zu nutzen und somit sehr benutzerfreundlich und einfach zu bedienen.
Ich habe keine Themen die mir an dem Microsoft Planner nicht gefallen.
Organisation im Team
Am besten gefällt mir hier die intuitive Bedienung
Ich habe nichts negatives zu beanstanden
Microsoft Planer
Die Vorteile in der App liegen darin das man ohne große Anstrengung pläne und Aufgaben zuweisen kann.
Es gibt nur einen kleinen Nachteil das ist das man Microsoft 365 braucht.
Bis auf die Berechtigung Top
Ist in Teams fest integriert, daher benötigt man nur ein Programm
Leider ist das Berechtigungsmanagement verbesserungswürdig und zumindest bei Nutzung über Teams stark eingeschränkt.
Super einfach zu nutzende Unterstützung für Strukturierung und Abarbeitung kleiner Projekte
Kommentare: Planner ist in vielen Microsoft 365 Plänen als kostenloses Add-On enthalten. Zusammen mit Microsoft To do lassen sich mit Planner sehr viele Arbeitsaufgaben einfach und schnell organisieren. Aufgaben lassen sich schön zwischen Teammitgliedern aufteilen.
Wir verwenden Planner, um viele unserer wiederkehrenden Arbeitsaufgaben zu organisieren. Ein Plan lässt sich sehr schnell erstellen. Die Darstellung des Plans und der einzelnen Aufgaben ist sehr übersichtlich. Die Pläne helfen ungeübten oder neuen Mitarbeitern, ungewohnte Aufgaben sicher auszuführen. Routinierte Mitarbeiter schätzen die Checklisten eines Plans, um in der Routine nichts zu übersehen. Aufgaben lassen sich sehr gut zwischen Mitarbeitern aufteilen. Im Dashboard kann man den Fortschritt der Aufgabenerfüllung gut kontrollieren.
In Planner lassen sich keine wiederverwendbaren Templates erzeugen.
Als To Do Liste zur Ansicht für mehrere Personen genutzt
Kommentare: Funktioniert für mich ok
Schön ist, dass man mehreren Personen Zugriff auf den Stand der To Dos geben kann.Für die Planung ganzer Projekte verwenden wir die Software derzeit noch nicht.
Das Handling beim Task erstellen ist teilweise noch Verbesserungswürdig, für das Zuweisen von Tags ist ein zweiter Schritt nach speichern notwendig und das erneute Öffnen der Aufgabe. Hier wäre es schöner, wenn man direkt in das "große" Fenster mit allen Eingabemöglichkeiten gelangen könnte.
Microsoft Planner
Durch dieses einfache Tool wird alles an Aufgabenplanung sehr erleichtert
Manchmal etwas kompliziert,gerade am Anfang

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
It is easy to use and very useful for daily work
Kommentare: We use Microsoft Planner as a kanban tool for the project. Everyboy in the team can view the assigned tasks, we can schedule the tasks and we can tdo tracking of the task status. We use this tool every day.
It is very easy to use and the entire team uses it daily.
The export options for exporting tasks to file. In previous versions this option wasn't available, but now it is available.
Microsoft Planner: Surprisingly Effective
I was reluctant to switch from Asana, which I considered the gold standard as a project management platform. However, Planner constantly impresses me by having functionalities I would not have expected it to have, or that I only expected Asana and other dedicated programs to have (rather than one aspect of the Microsoft Suite).
Microsoft Planner has all the key functionalities it needs, and more than I would have expected; but, it falls short on user experience. I used to want to plan everything in Asana because it was a little gamified. I am happy to use the Planner when it makes sense to, but I don't go out of my way to.

Some basic tool which is ok for the individuals, but a nightmare for the managers.
Kommentare: Overall it is a suboptimal experience. The planner is perfectly fine for executing and prioritizing tasks, but when it comes to tasks that must be fulfilled by multiple people on different projects then it is true headache for any manager. The best way to overcome it is working on a single kanban style board, but it also has some sort of limitations.
It is simple and reliable. Scheduling is easy, prioritization is easy since one can use colour labels and customize it in any way. If the Planner is used as a kanban board by one team for one project then it is fine.
Progress tracking and visualization are just unacceptable. It is not possible to see who is working on what task under which project. One needs to go and click through multiple teams and keep all the information in mind.
A useful tool for corporate teams which fully integrates with Teams and Outlook
Kommentare: Overall, my experience with Microsoft Planner has been very positive, as it has helped my team share tasks and establish procedures to follow. It fully integrates with other Microsoft tools, such as Outlook and Teams.
The most interesting feature for me is how well this integrates with Microsoft Teams. My team can easily share tasks and set up milestones.
It is difficult for the team to be familiar with all the features of Microsoft Planner. Task reminders should be more prominently featured to ensure they can be followed up on accordingly.
By Far the Simplest and Most Effective Task Management Tool
Kommentare: Overall, I highly recommend Microsoft Planner to anyone looking for a simple and effective task management tool. It is a great option for teams of all sizes, and it is especially well-suited for teams that are already using other Microsoft 365 products
It is easy to use and has almost no distractions which helps me focus betterIt is well-integrated with other Microsoft 365 productsIt has a variety of features that make it easy to collaborate with others like assigning people tasks and tracks progressIt is affordable, I even bought it for personal use
It is not marketed enough which makes a struggle to get other collaborators in
Microsoft Planner
It is easy to use and create tasks. the tracking is simple, and the tagging makes it easy identifiable. A lot of interaction with the team members and tole players makes it easy to track and understand certain processes.
It takes time to setup but it is not a bad thing all the time. Although is takes time in the beginning the ease of mind after is great.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Microsoft Planner! Start Here! Planning is essential in today's business & personal success!
Kommentare: It is a great business & personal tool. There some amazing things that can help keep you on track.
Ease of use, all in one place, sharing and collaborating capabilities, online,
I have another planner that I integrate with this one and I love it a little bit more.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
All-inclusive approach to planning
Kommentare: The reliability of Microsoft Planner is exceptional
Microsoft Planner helps with consolidating necessary functions and tasks when it comes project management and development. Collaborating is more effective through Microsoft Planner.
There is nothing negative to say from my experience using Microsoft Planner but there are more cost-effective alternatives

A better board than Trello? Still missing one thing.
Kommentare: We've been using Planner for several years to manage publishing projects and event tasks.
The obvious argument for Planner is its integration with the Office/365 suite. Planner comes with our 365 subscription and is available to all our team members.The integration with Microsoft Teams is very good, and, importantly, Planner tasks show up in Microsoft To-Do. So it plays nicely with this environment.Aside from integrations, Planner provides a really nice board experience and a competent list view.
Planner is less actively developed than similar products from other companies. It's greatest weakness, in my opinion: there is no way to see all the tasks assigned to another person. Nor is it possible to search through all plans to find a task. (I can, however, see all tasks assigned to me in a unified view.)The effect of this is to silo each plan. If I need to find a task, but am not sure in which plan it exists, I'm reduced to looking through multiple plans or purchasing Apps4Pro's Planner Manager add-on.

Microsoft planner for planning projects
Kommentare: we have project planning in it, in the future they should even connect with other projects
very clear, showing what has already been done, who is working on which task and how it is related to each other
only limited number of timelines for the total display

Easy to use Task Management with Office 365 Integration
Kommentare: Overall I find that Microsoft Planner provides an effective way to manage tasks and even projects both personally and on a team level.
I like the fact that it is included with our Office 365 licenses, is easy to use and can be integrated with Teams and Outlook with minimal effort.
It can feel a bit too basic at times and may lack some of the polish other applications have.
Very effective task management tool by Microsoft.
Kommentare: I love working with MS Planner to manage our collaborative projects/tasks. It was very easy to implement as we already have an MS environment, and has been easy to use and onboard new hires since then. It's features are as good as other pm tools, if not better. All in all, a solid tool to have to manage your projects.
MS Planner has been a great addition to our team management. It's easy to use, has the the same MS interface that we're all used to, and makes it much easier to monitor our teams' tasks.
It doesn't have as good of a sandbox envirnment as some of the other project management tools for brainstorming. It would be good if they expanded on that side more as well.
Streamlining Task Management with Microsoft Planne
Kommentare: Microsoft Planner is a valuable project management tool that excels in simplifying task and project management, particularly for small to mid-sized teams. Its seamless integration with other Microsoft 365 apps enhances collaboration and communication. The user-friendly interface makes it accessible to users of all levels of expertise.
Planner seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft 365 applications, creating a unified ecosystem for project management. The ability to link tasks, files, and conversations directly from Outlook, Teams, and other Microsoft apps streamlines collaboration and enhances productivity.
Microsoft Planner lacks advanced Gantt chart capabilities. While it's suitable for simple project timelines, more complex projects might require a dedicated project management tool like Microsoft Project
Microsoft Planner - Review
Helps track which task I am actively working on and which task has been parked for the future when I have more capacity
Nothing at the moment as my experience has been postive
An excellent tool for managing collaboration and assigning tasks
Kommentare: Used for many planning Portals and is still used by our Estates team daily
Microsoft Planner is an excellent benefit of an M365 subscription and the possibilities of its use in conjunction with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, Outlook and more are huge. With some configuration and knowledge of all the features of M365 Planner can be a very powerful tool that can be applied to a wide range of uses
There is a learning curve in understanding how Planner is incorporated in with SharePoint, Power Automate and Forms but this has been made easier in recent MS updates and is improving all the time
The perfect project planning tool for office365.
Microsoft Planner is like any other project planning and dashboard product. However, its main attraction is that it is integrated into the Microsoft 365 suite and you can integrate it with multiple Microsoft tools present in your company. For example, the fact of integrating it into teams.
It does not provide great innovations compared to the competition and it is not designed for the management of sprints in an easy and intuitive way.
A basic necessity
You need this if you want an organized team. Thats all there is to it.
can be difficult to navigate on mac products